Maison du patrimoine médiéval mosan (Dinant, Belgium): coordinateur
The Maison du patrimoine médiéval mosan is situated in a huge ancient and renewed Spanish House located in a village close to the city of Dinant, with many social houses and poor families. The aim of the institution is to valorize the medieval heritage of the valley and of the mosan region. The museum is also an interpretation center where visitors are guided through multisensorial activities to discover the evolution of castles, cities, religions, industry, citizenship etc.
Our project has been awarded with the Europa Nostra price (EU cultural Heritage price) in the category “Heritage Sensibilisation, Valorisation and Education”. This reward helped us to disseminate our project in and outside the region.
Tourism is the most developed economic activity in the region, thanks to beautiful natural sites and historical background.
Our museum welcomes schools, families, associations and… many tourists.
Our main aim with this European partnership is to implement new strategies to improve the relationship between the local population and the museum.
The experience of the Comenius Regio and the collaboration with local and international active stakeholders should help us to co-ordinate HEFOR in an efficient way with, as a result, the implication of families – parents and children – in the daily life of the museum and, by the way, stimulate their self-esteem and willingness in order to improve their employability.
Our Edutainers will experience new strategies and share useful tools and competences.
« Heritage for everybody »
Our institution is the coordinator of an educational European program and training Grundtvig. The project, named HEFORE (Heritage for everybody), was born from a Comenius Regio organized by the City of Dinant, to Castiglione del Lago, in November, 2009.
The specific aims of the Grundtvig programme are to:
•increase the number of people in adult education to 25 000 by 2013, and improve the quality of their experience, whether at home or abroad
•mprove conditions for mobility so that at least 7 000 people per year by 2013 can benefit from adult education abroad;
•improve the quality and amount of co-operation between adult education organisations;
•develop innovative adult education and management practices, and encourage widespread implementation;
•ensure that people on the margins of society have access to adult education, especially older people and those who left education without basic qualifications;
•support innovative ICT-based educational content, services and practices.
•mprove conditions for mobility so that at least 7 000 people per year by 2013 can benefit from adult education abroad;
•improve the quality and amount of co-operation between adult education organisations;
•develop innovative adult education and management practices, and encourage widespread implementation;
•ensure that people on the margins of society have access to adult education, especially older people and those who left education without basic qualifications;
•support innovative ICT-based educational content, services and practices.

With our European partners, we will implement a strategic program based on sensitize creative activities (theatre, music, ...) in marginal areas and on organizing creative workshops (clothing, pottery, ‘dinanderie’, writing, painting, scientifical laboratories…) involving directly the disadvantaged persons located in the surroundings of the partner institutions.
We will create a DVD (Treasure Chest) with useful cultural tools (pedagogical cards, videos, games...) for future training modules, workshops or extensive courses for trainers, teachers and edutainers who are in touch with underprivileged population. This material will be observed and recorded during the mobility exchanges between the partners and will be tested by the underprivileged local population in partners' countries. This "bringing nearer to culture" will enable disadvantage persons to improve their self-esteem and enter better employment.

Our partners are:
Italy - Laboratorio del Cittadino Onlus – Castiglione del Lago
Estonia - Estonian Foundation for the Visually Impaired (EFVI) - Tallinn
Romania - CEDRU - Centrul de Excelenta pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane - CraiovaLatvia - Aknïstes novadpëtniecïbas muzejs, Aknïstes novada dome - AknistePoland - CREATIVE FACTORY - Association for Cultural and Artistic Actions - Legnica
France – Musée-jardin Maurice Denis – Saint Germain en LayePortugal – museu da Chapelaria – S. João da Madeira
Estonia - Estonian Foundation for the Visually Impaired (EFVI) - Tallinn
Romania - CEDRU - Centrul de Excelenta pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane - CraiovaLatvia - Aknïstes novadpëtniecïbas muzejs, Aknïstes novada dome - AknistePoland - CREATIVE FACTORY - Association for Cultural and Artistic Actions - Legnica
France – Musée-jardin Maurice Denis – Saint Germain en LayePortugal – museu da Chapelaria – S. João da Madeira
The first meeting in Belgium:
The first meeting took place from 21 till 27 October : the MPMM received the representatives of the partner institutions. This week, placed under the sign of the exchange and the multiculturalism, was the occasion to get acquainted and to set up the HEFORE program which must be finalized in September, 2012.
Numerous exchanges and workshops in the MPMM were completed by visiting Dinant, Namur or still Brussels, to see how the other institutions welcome the discriminated public.
The project will continue with a session organized by Poland in January.
The first meeting took place from 21 till 27 October : the MPMM received the representatives of the partner institutions. This week, placed under the sign of the exchange and the multiculturalism, was the occasion to get acquainted and to set up the HEFORE program which must be finalized in September, 2012.
Numerous exchanges and workshops in the MPMM were completed by visiting Dinant, Namur or still Brussels, to see how the other institutions welcome the discriminated public.
The project will continue with a session organized by Poland in January.