
CEDRU – Centrul de Excelenta pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (ROMANIA) : partner

CEDRU is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the genuine, civic, cultural and educational European and Romanian values, to help in need persons without any discrimination and to develop educational and training programs. CEDRU offers: counselling, training in various languages and life skills to young and adult people in the region, non-formal educational activities for young and adult people as an alternative to spend the spare time in a pleasant and also useful way. CEDRU is a think tank organization that permanently learns from others and its own experience. The centre establishes its own priorities and select the areas of interest for its projects and services according to its client needs and the national and international trends evolution.

CEDRU activities are split on three departments: CEDRU junior, CEDRU for youngsters and CEDRU LLP Center. The last one  promotes activities for adults, including a special program started last year, called „Social Return”.  The main goal of the project called “Social Return ” is to apply and develop a multi-disciplined rehabilitation and social inclusion programme and to offer this to disabled individuals with limited employment capability, increasing the quality of life for participants and their families. CEDRU is also a partner into another Grundtvig partnership  called „Art as the identity of a country and as a universal pattern which all the European countries can share”.  The aim of this partnership is to give a European context to adult education in every participating institution, and therefore to strengthen European citizenship. Activities carried out during the project  work towards a better understanding of the European countries, cultures and traditions. The emphasis of this project is on art as an expression of man’s creative ability.

Ce este HEFORE?
Proiectul HEFORE este un parteneriat pentru învăţare ce vizează adulţii, implementat la nivel european de 8 parteneri, respectiv: Maison du patrimoine médiéval mosan, BELGIA; Laboratorio del Cittadino Onlus, ITALIA; Sihtasutus Eesti Nägemispuuetega Inimeste Fond (ENIF), ESTONIA; CEDRU – Centrul de Excelenţă pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane, ROMANIA; Aknīstes novadpētniecības muzejs, Aknīstes novada dome, LATVIA; Stowarzyszenie Działań Artystycznych i Kulturalnych FABRYKA TWÓRCZOŚCI, POLONIA; Musée-jardin Maurice Denis, FRANTA; Museu da Chapelaria, PORTUGALIA.

In perioada 21 – 28 octombrie 2010 s-a desfasurat prima intalnire transnationala in cadrul proiectului Grundtvig “Heritage for Everybody – HEFORE” – 2010-1-BE2-GRU06-00972 4. Intalnirea a avut loc in Belgia, la Dinant si a fost organizata de coordonatorul european al proiectului,  Maison du Patrimoine Medieval Mosan. Romania a fost reprezentata de doamna prof. Mihaela Brumar, director al Casei Corpului Didactic Dolj si presedinte al Asociatiei CEDRU – Centrul de Excelenta pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane, Craiova, domnul prof. Sorin Birsan, coordonatorul  local al proiectului, domnul Gabriel Brumar, membru voluntar al Asociatiei CEDRU – Centrul de Excelenta pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane si doamna prof. Laura Dutescu, membru voluntar al Asociatiei CEDRU – Centrul de Excelenta pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane.

Proiectul HEFORE este un parteneriat pentru invatare ce vizeaza adultii implementat la nivel european de 8 parteneri, respectiv: Maison du patrimoine médiéval mosan, BELGIA; Laboratorio del Cittadino Onlus, ITALIA; Sihtasutus Eesti Nägemispuuetega Inimeste Fond (ENIF), ESTONIA; CEDRU – Centrul de Excelenta pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane, ROMANIA; Aknīstes novadpētniecības muzejs, Aknīstes novada dome,              LATVIA;  Stowarzyszenie Działań Artystycznych i Kulturalnych FABRYKA TWÓRCZOŚCI, POLONIA; Musée-jardin Maurice Denis,   FRANTA; Museu da Chapelaria,  PORTUGALIA. Casa Corpului Didactic Dolj este partener asociat in cadrul acestui proiect, stakeholder local reprezentativ pentru educatia adultilor din invatamantul preuniversitar doljean, implicat in sustinerea si promovarea activitatilor proiectului la nivel judetean.

Programul intalnirii de proiect a inclus: prezentarea institutiilor partenere, vizitarea siturilor de patrimoniu din Dinant-Bouvignes, Crevecoeur, Bruxelles, Namur, serate multiculturale,  ateliere de lucru pe teme ce au vizat elemente de patrimoniu medieval (teatru, cinematografie, muzica, dans, gastronomie), participarea la expozitia “Europa in inima orasului Namur” cu un stand de prezentare a proiectului HEFORE, vizita la Parlamentul Wallon din Namur, capitala regiunii wallone cu prezentarea politicii regionale privind educatia si patrimoniul cultural.

Foarte riguros organizata, intalnirea a fost  apreciata de toti participantii, fiind considerata o experienta de invatare, un eveniment cultural si totodata un cadru stimulant de impartasire de experiente si activitati de invatare destinate adultilor.

CEDRU – Activitati HEFORE

The educational experience of our target groups of learners belonging to a wide range of underprivileged people in our partners’ countries will represent the first local dissimination of our project.

We shall disseminate results of our Partnership project digitally and through
 the following activities:
1) in participating organisations – by trying to use the new learning methodology exchanged during the project based on the partners’ advisory role and support in the application of it;
b) in local communities – by informing and encouraging them to apply new methods and knowledge about the heritage in their teaching process for underprivileged adults, which will stimulate and inspire further learning and/or further professional activities;

c) in the wider, lifelong learning community – by publishing the results of the Partnership project on all partners’ websites and link it to all national Grundtvig agencies, also by visiting and publishing the results in the brochure available online, in DVD and in written form upon request.
Every meeting or event will be a nice opportunity to increase the visibility of the partners and of the Grundtvig partnership. Local and regional press will be invited to participate and promote the exchanges.